Vertical Garden Services in Andheri

The ability to grow lush gardens even in small spaces, as well as increased privacy, cooling, and shade, are just a few benefits that vertical gardening systems can offer. Hortiscape Developers provide garden equipment and Vertical Garden Services in Andheri.

Vertical gardens are becoming more and more common for larger installations, such as in public spaces, on residential apartment buildings, and on commercial properties. Common examples include freestanding vertical garden systems, green walls, and green facades.

1. Green walls

Green walls, also known as “living walls,” are constructed from modular green panels or containerized plants arranged across a wall face.

2. Green facades

Green facades are different from green walls in that they are built with plants that climb or scramble up or across a support structure like a trellis.

3. Freestanding vertical gardening systems

In parks, gardens, and other locations around the world, freestanding vertical gardens are becoming more common. On vertical garden frames, plants are grown upward and occasionally overhead in these systems.

Contact us for Vertical Garden Services in Andheri.

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